With reference to the resumption of payments of social security, welfare and tax contributions referring to the periods from February to May 2020, for which Decree-Law no. 104 of 14 August 2020, converted into Law no. 126 of 13 October 2020, introduced a different method of instalment of suspended payments, and precisely:
For an amount equal to 50% of the sums subject to suspension, in a single instalment or by instalments, up to a maximum of four monthly instalments of the same amount, with the payment of the first instalment by 16 September 2020;
The remaining amount, equal to the remaining 50% of the sums due, can be paid, without the application of penalties and interest, by instalments, up to a maximum of 24 installments of the same amount, with the payment of the first installment by 16 January 2021;
We kindly ask you to return the attachment to this document, duly completed and signed, highlighting the number of installments chosen for the payment of the remaining 50%, being that: