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Extension of the national state of emergency and further measures to contain the epidemic

More than a week after its approval, Decree Law No. 221/2021 was published in Gazzetta Official Gazette No. 305 of Dec. 24, 2021, by which the government ordered the extension of the national state of emergency. The same decree adopted additional measures to contain the spread of the epidemic.

The Decree went into effect last December 25.

Below, we recall, briefly, some of the measures of greatest interest to employers, as amended by the Decree under comment.

For a detailed view of the measure, please refer to the following link.


Decree Law No. 221/21 extends until March 31, 2022, the possibility of using the simplified procedure for sending agile work communications and, for private employers, to take advantage of this mode for every employment relationship, even in the absence of the individual agreements.

At the same time, protections in favor of so-called fragile workers are extended until 02/28/2022 (see Article 26 paragraph 2bis, Decree Law 18/2020).

Editor's note: Decree Law 221/21 stipulates that, within 30 days of its publication, by Decree of the Minister of Health, in consultation with the Ministers of Labor and Social Policy and for Public Administration, "the chronic pathologies with poor clinical compensation and with particular connotation of severity, in the presence of which, until February 28, 2022, the work performance is normally carried out according to the discipline defined in the Collective Agreements, if any, in agile mode, including through the assignment to a different task included in the same category or area of classification, as defined by the contracts in force, and specific professional training activities are carried out remotely.".

In addition, the requirement for health surveillance remains for workers most at risk of infection for whom the competent physician (or Inail through its physicians) may determine that they are unfit for duty.


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