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"Mobility manager" and fulfillments of the private sector companies concerned

Ministerial Decree No. 179 of May 12, 2021, in implementation of the provisions of Relaunch Decree No. 34/2020 coordinated with its conversion law No. 77 of July 17, 2020, provided several measures to support labor and the economy, including measures to incentivize sustainable mobility.

Specifically, in order to promote the decongestion of traffic in urban areas through the reduction of individual private means of transportation, private sector companies as well as the Public Administration, with individual local units with more than 100 employees (> one hundred) located in a regional capital, a metropolitan city, a provincial capital, or a municipality with a population of more than 50 thousand inhabitants, are required to adopt, by December 31 of each year, a plan for home-to-work travel, of their employees aimed at limiting the use of individual private means of transportation.

To this end, they appoint a "Mobility Manager" - a person responsible for mobility, who must perform ongoing professional support functions for decision-making, planning, programming, management and promotion of optimal sustainable mobility solutions.

In more detail, the Mobility Manager promotes, including collaborating in the adoption of the sustainable mobility plan, the implementation of interventions to organize and manage the demand for people's mobility, in order to enable the structural and permanent reduction of the environmental impact resulting from vehicular traffic in urban and metropolitan areas, through the implementation of sustainable mobility interventions.

The modalities for implementing the provisions of the Relaunch Decree were to be defined by one or more decrees, of a non-regulatory nature, of the Ministry of Environment and Land and Sea Protection, in consultation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.

As a reminder, effective March 1, 2021, the Ministry of Environment and Land and Sea Protection was replaced by the new Ministry of Ecological Transition, established under the current Draghi government.

In implementation of the above therefore, the newly established Ministry of "ecological transition," through Ministerial Decree No. 179 of May 12, 2021, issued the implementing regulations for the new figure of the Mobility Manager, published in Gazzetta Official Gazette on June 26, 2021.

We had already pre-announced in News of June 04, 2021 on the June 04, 2021 regarding the Supports-bis Decree, of the figure of the Mobility Manager, regarding the financial allocation planned by the Government.

The aforementioned Ministerial Decree is intended to enable the permanent reduction of the environmental impact resulting from private vehicular traffic in urban and metropolitan areas by promoting the implementation of interventions for the organization and management of people's demand for mobility, which enable a reduction in the use of the individual private motor vehicle in systematic home-work-home travel, promoting the decongestion of vehicular traffic.

Two professional figures are identified for this purpose:

  • The corporate Mobility Manager, who should be a specialized figure in governing mobility demand and promoting sustainable mobility in the home-work-home travel of employees;

  • The Area Mobility Manager, who must be a specialized figure in supporting the territorially competent municipality, to which he or she is appointed, in the definition and implementation of sustainable mobility policies, as well as in carrying out liaison between corporate Mobility Managers.

Accordingly, a PSCL - Home-Work Travel Plan must be prepared, which is nothing more than a planning tool for systematic home-work travel of employees of a single local work unit. This plan is mandatory, and must be adopted by December 31 of each year, for enterprises with local work units with more than 100 employees that are located:

  • In a regional capital;

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