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Important news for year-end adjustments

News n.51/2022

For the purposes of the year-end tax adjustment and as a result of the entry into force, as of Nov. 19, 2022, of Decree Law No. 176/2022 (so-called Aid Quater Decree), we remind you that the threshold for contribution and tax exemption of fringe benefits, i.e., goods sold and services provided to workers, including sums disbursed or reimbursed to them for the payment of domestic utilities for integrated water service, electricity and natural gas is, exceptionally and only for the 2022 tax period, raised to 3,000 euros.

The raising of the threshold for fringe benefits affects both employee income and income assimilated to employee income (Article 50 of the TUIR lists exhaustively what income is assimilated to employee income by including, for example: scholarships, allowances, prizes and subsidies paid for the purpose of study or professional training, sums received for participation in boards and commissions, sums received for the activity of director, auditor or auditor of companies, associations and other entities with or without legal personality, compensation derived from coordinated and continuous collaborations).

Below is a list, which is neither exhaustive nor exhaustive, of the goods and services that fall under the basket of "fringe benefits":

  • The conventional value of the company car granted for mixed use;

  • The conventional value of housing granted to employees;

  • Gift cards, shopping vouchers, "mobility" vouchers (car sharing and bike sharing or electric scooter rentals), Christmas baskets;

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