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Extension and requirement of Green Pass in workplaces and strengthening of screening system

Decree Law No. 12 7 of September 21, 2021 , published on the same date in G.U. No. 226/2021, concerning Urgent Measures to Ensure the Safe Performance of Public and Private Work by Extending the Scope of Application of the Green Certification VOC ID 19 and Strengthening the Screening System introduced the obligation, from October 15 and until December 31, 2021 , the deadline for the termination of the state of emergency, to possess and exhibit, upon request, the green certification Covid-19 to all workers belonging to the public and private sectors including freelancers and family workers, who will have to have green passes to access workplaces.

The Decree stipulates that personnel who are required to have green certification , if they report that they do not have it or are found not to have it at the time of access to the workplace, are considered unexcused absenteeism and for those days are not due wages n' other compensation or emolument until the presentation of the aforementioned certification, and in any case no later than December 31, 2021 in any case, the Decree specifies, "without disciplinary consequences , other than those according to the respective sectoral regulations, and with the right to the preservation of the employment relationship."

For companies with less than 15 employees , after the fifth day of unexcused absence , the employer may suspend the employee for the duration corresponding to the duration of the employment contract entered into for the replacement, for a period not exceeding 10 days, renewable once, and not beyond the deadline of December 31, 2021.

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