News 4 Conversion into law of decree law May 19, no. 34
We hereby report the changes that have occurred in the subject legislation following its conversion into law.
In addition to the changes to the legislation, the conversion law provided for the repeal of Decree-Law No. 52 of June 16, 2020, however, taking up part of the provisions contained therein such as, by way of example, the possibility of claiming the last 4 weeks of wage supplementation before September 1.
Therefore, some of the new features introduced by the law that is the subject of this circular will not actually turn out to be so "new."
As for the acts and measures adopted, as well as the effects produced and the legal relations that arose on the basis of the repealed Decree-Law 52/2020, they remain valid.
The content of the following is an amendment to previous communications forwarded by the Firm, in light of the conversion of the so-called Relaunch Decree.
Going into the details of the normative dictate, the main changes to the Relaunch Decree concern:
The Conversion Law confirmed the changes already introduced by Decree Law 52/2020, according to which the additional 4 weeks can also be used for periods prior to September 1, 2020.
The deadline for submitting applications for CIGO and FIS by the end of the month following the month in which the period of work suspension or reduction began is also confirmed.