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Contribution "Services for Training"

At the time of the latest contract renewal of the Metalmechanics Industry Collective Bargaining Agreement, the social partners wanted to give greater importance to the training of employees employed in the company in order to improve their skills.

Companies, in a nutshell, over the course of each three-year period (start of the three-year evaluation period: 01/06/2021), must involve permanent and fixed-term workers of not less than 9 months' duration in training courses with a total duration of 24 hours per capita.

Training courses should be developed with the involvement of the RSU (if present), or by joining territorial, sectoral, self-learning projects with Distance Learning, e-learning, participation in conferences and seminars or through on-the-job training directly in the company.

To this end, the establishment of a nonrecognized nonprofit association, managed bilaterally by the parties that stipulated the CCNL, called "MetApprendo," to which companies will have to register, by next October 15, 2021, in order to fulfill the payment of the One-Time Contribution, has become essential.

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