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Covid-19 leave clarification

Following the clarifications on the modalities for the use of COVID-19 leave (Art. 23 Decree-Law No. 18/2020), specifically on its compatibility with the use of other types of leave (Tab.1) or on the compatibility of the leave with the conditions of the other parent belonging to the same household (Tab.2), the following is an outline summarizing the Institute's indications.

The household of the parent requesting COVID-19 leave consists of the members of the family status.

In the case of separated or divorced spouses, on the other hand, with joint custody of the child, they are understood to belong to the same household, even those belonging to different family statuses if they are found to be residing in the same household.

This leave will be available from March 5 until May 3, for a period not exceeding 15 days (for each child in the household) divisible into days.

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