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Contractual minimums increase CCNL Metalmeccanici - Confapi

           News Flash No. 22/2024



On June 11, 2024, between UNIONMECCANICA, with the assistance of CONFAPI and FIM- CISL, FIOM-CGIL, and UILM-UIL, the CCNL was stipulated to apply to workers employed in the small and medium-sized metal, goldsmith and plant installation industry Unionmeccanica Confapi.

Among other things, the new contractual minimums were defined to be effective June 1, 2024, following the communication by Istat of the value related to the IPCA 2023 adjustment (net of important energetics) which, being 6.9% (higher than the total reference wage increase established in the CCNL renewal agreement), caused the safeguard clause to be activated, whereby the amounts are adjusted, as of June 2024, to the actual IPCA-NEI value.

As a reminder, the safeguard clause is a clause under which-if real inflation in the previous year, as measured by Istat based on the Ipca index at the beginning of June each year, is higher than what was provided for in the contract renewal-"the minimums on the table" are "adjusted to the resulting amount."


Below are the new lows from June 2024:

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