Decree Law No. 48/2023: Urgent measures for social inclusion and access to employment
The newsletter provided is for informational use only, for all practical purposes or further assistance, please contact us. The contents are translated into English through an AI software and may present imperfections, therefore we invite you to contact us for further clarifications.
Dismissal ticket in case of resignation of the working father during the protected period
Renewal agreement related to the economic part of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for Executives of Tertiary Companies
Payment of supplementary contributions in arrears to the Mario Negri Fund-Tertiary and Transportation Executives
NASpI unemployment benefit in case of resignation by the father worker
Retroactive change of supplementary contribution
Some news on deadline extensions in labor and Fuel Bonus 2023
New event codes and adjustment codes for correct display in Uniemens flows
News Inps No. 11/2023
Corporate welfare for employees of the Small and Medium Mechanical Industry - Confapi.